Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I for one am completely fed up with the way the HYIP arena treats its members, I am fed up with the forums, monitors and HYIP's cashing in on the members and having nothing to say about it when an HYIP scams, always choosing profits over people. There has to be a stop put to this, forums like TalkGold make hoards of cash annually by allowing advertisements from HYIP's but they do nothing to help the members, but I can guarantee you if it had something to with THEIR MONEY they would be moving a lot faster. There will be a major changes coming to HYIP...

There are absolutely no regulatory bodies for HYIP, nothing to help the members and some want it TO STAY THAT WAY.

I am founding THE HYIP AUTHORITY, the time is now and it can wait no longer. DEATHWATCH will be a faction of THE HYIP AUTHORITY and this will include new forums and monitors. Time for the scamming with no repercussions to STOP. The forums and monitors are just as responsible as the HYIP's for marketing the HYIP's to their members.

I will post information about THE HYIP AUTHORITY later in the week.

1 comment:

  1. Just to let you guys know. THE HYIP AUTHORITY will be a project to look forward to in the future. I will keep the members of DEATHWATCH posted as to our actions.
