Wednesday, March 4, 2009

***BAD HABITS!!!***

We all know that bad habits die hard and one of those habits is referring to others as "attackers". I think the word is used so loosely now that it has no merit. I would like to clear something up for everyone, DEATHWATCH is not out to get HYIP's...the members are my concern. My job is to issue a warning signal so members can attempt to achieve a refund or salvage what they may from the HYIP that they are currently involved in. I am not an "attacker" nor are the people who side with DEATHWATCH or have differing opinions. I take it that one is referred to as an "attacker" if they don't follow an HYIP blindly, I think many would rather we say nothing...but that will NEVER HAPPEN. If a major program is near its end IT WILL BE ON THE DEATHWATCH LIST...and that you can be sure of. One thing my members do not have to worry about is my INTEGRITY or my work ethic. DEATHWATCH is serious business and its for those who take their investments serious. Some say that HYIP is just a game and you should never invest what you can't afford to lose...but you know what...I don't like losing and honestly I haven't met anybody that has. Losing money is not a's not a's serious and I will do everything in my power to help my members succeed.


  1. LOL... so true DW!! lol.

    I used to think that losing was ok, BUT IT'S NOT!! lol

    Thanks for this blog, aside from the avatar that scares me beyond all reason, this is a great blog! :D.

    I am reading it daily. :)

    Have a great day! -Edward Brown

  2. lol...thanks for the comment about the avatar.

    And no problem, the blog is here for you all to use as a tool to properly invest in this dangerous realm of HYIP. Caution is always the word of the day.

    Make sure to keep reading friend and spread the word.

  3. I will, and I'm going to recommend this blog to the 650+ people on my mailing list. Great work. ;)
