Monday, January 26, 2009


Well what can we say about monitors?? Are they our friends,...enemies....or just an impartial component of the whole HYIP conundrum?...for the most part, monitors don't seem to want to be held accountable when HYIPs go bad...but when its good its really good. They're in charge of the ranking systems on their sites and they sell advertising to these scams, but when an HYIP's all over. Not to mention the loads of commission from all the members that sign up under them using their referral links. What they don't know is that members are fed up, they're simply tired of getting the short end of the stick when HYIPs falter. Of course we've all seen the prevalent disclaimers about them not recommending HYIPs and basically taking no responsibility for the HYIPs that they house, but in turn making a TON of money from them. Not only that, some monitors and forums are extremely CENSORED because they know if they do anything to hurt the scams...future HYIP admins won't come to their monitor sites to be listed and they will lose profits. I will give kudos to GoldPoll for launching the "GoldPoll Cares Campaign" but that even seems to be a lackluster attempt at helping members. They should do MORE. I made them aware of an incident that requires immediate attention and as of yet...nothing has been done...stay tuned.


  1. i am not surprise if SOME monitor are paid by hyip admin

  2. arsyante,

    Honestly...neither would I. You have to be careful, it really is a shady game.

  3. Hi my Friend,

    I came by to quote a thread I saw now at talkgold and I saw your post.
    1- I must say I totally agree with your opinions (to tell you frankly I don't see goldpoll's campaign will give us results)and recognise that hyips admin make pressure on them.
    But there's another point, which is the reason I passed by. So, without any further comment here it comes. Please let me know your opinion
    Best Regards

    Today, 12:30 PM
    Acomtrade Acomtrade is offline
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    Dear friends. Problem is solved and in the some hours will be accessible again. All members of are informed about it on emails.

    Very important information!

    Some people extort money of our administration and threaten to put negative votes about us in the monitors.

    Near is copy of correspondence with this people:

    hyip365 25 January 2009 20:16
    To: acomtrade

    Acomtrade Ltd. 25th 2009f January 2009 09:16:12 AM

    Payment not recived if not pay $10 for monitoring fee

    to acc.U6669655 hyip365 we atack your site add daily 10 or more negativ votes to all your


    User Additional Info :
    User Name : hyip365

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    Language : ar-eg

    Add star
    Alex Baer
    acomtrade 26 January 2009 10:54
    To: hyip365.
    Print | Delete | Show original
    Hello dear. I think we agree with your condition. But we can't spend
    money today, all money on trading accounts now. Please, wait some time
    and you get money. But don't post bad votes please, otherwise we dont
    pay to you.- Show quoted text -

    Add star
    hyip3656 January 2009 14:58
    To: Alex Baer acomtrade
    Print | Delete | Show original
    you can check some, how many positiv and good post to support
    and check there not pay
    - Show quoted text -

    Add star
    hyip36526 January 2009 20:09
    To: Alex Baer acomtrade
    Print | Delete | Show original
    you have 6 hours dear !!- Show quoted text -

    Add star
    hyip365 27 January 2009 11:26
    To: Alex Baer acomtrade
    Print | Delete | Show original


    Payment not recived if not pay $10 for monitoring fee
    to acc.U6669655 hyip365 we atack your site add daily 10 or more negativ votes to all your

  4. ...Now this could work two ways. Either they're telling the truth and there IS an extortion attempt being made or this IS just another method to free the scammer of all liability when he decides to run...personally I don't think they're being extorted, just seems like a trick to me.

    Thanks again for the great information fundamental, I really appreciate what you're doing, keep bringing the news my friend. Thanks for the help.

  5. My pleasure to do all I can to help. I understand your opinion but the truth is that just about a couple of weeks ago, they (365hyip) hacked worldmoneyclub site, took the money and ran. And it seems these aren't the first two times...
    I'll keep in touch. Hugs

  6. ...I must beg to ask you if they presented any proof that they were hacked or did they just say that that's what happened?

  7. they showed the e-mails at that time I'll check and see if I still have them.
    For the current situation you may check here:
    They show the e-mails received but the sit is still down. Fortunately I hadn't a dime there.
    These last two months have been a disgrace. More than 600 bucks (627.56 to be exactly) thrown away More than a half of it in so called "trusted" hyips. And, for instance at BHV I got out with $3.78 profit but I left to those scammers $162,5 (250X65%).
    I'm thinking now very seriously what I'm going to do next. Now I'm staying cool waiting for invests to mature

  8. ...Wow, I hate to hear that you wasted that money friend, it definitely could have been spent better elsewhere. That's why we're doing what we're doing.

    Thanks again for the proof, you're doing a great job friend. Keep it up.

  9. The problem is DEATHWATCH, you don't say where that "elsewhere" is! In the last 90 days I have lost a whole lot more than fundamental did. I invested in 5 different plans, a couple of which were supposed to come to term in only 15 days and they didn't even last that long so I couldn't even get seed out let alone make a dime. How is it possible to make make any money in this arena with all the liars and thieves out there that have no conscience and would rob you of your last dime if they could.

  10. Anonymous send me an e-mail at I'll reply.

  11. Hi my friend,
    If you're answering to this:
    "How is it possible to make make any money in this arena with all the liars and thieves out there that have no conscience and would rob you of your last dime if they could."
    I have exactly the same question, and of course, I would be extremelly grateful if you could answer me too. You have my e-mail adress..

  12. Of course friend, I will write you also.

    Many thanks for your participation here fundamental.

  13. ...I do understand your position friend, but thanks is definitely in order. You're doing such a wonderful job in helping us all. Just make sure to keep the fire in your belly and make sure to spread the word about DEATHWATCH. Which I'm pretty sure you're already doing.
